11th International Hilde Zadek

Voice Competition 22-27 April 2019

The Unique Competition

Focus: Opera of the 21st century




Results from the 1st round, 24th of April 2019

The following singers are invited to sing in the 2nd round on 25th of April 2019: 
To all applicants who will not have the chance to sing in the 2nd round we wish all the best for the future and thank you for your application!

11:00 Uhr
1 Piia Rytkönen, 28
Kaija Saariaho: Non, par notre Seigneur (Clemence, L’amour de loin)
W. A. Mozart: Giunse alfin il momento…Deh, vieni non tardar (Susanna, La Nozze di Figaro)
Franz Schubert: Lied der Delphine
2 Sivan Keren, 28
David Sebba: God is speaking to Eve (aus Imahot)
W. A. Mozart: Tutte nel coro vi sento (Idomeneo)
Richard Strauss: Du meines Herzens Krönelein 
11:30 Uhr
3 Lalit Woratheptnitinan, 26
Nancy Van de Vate: Oh, Nat, Please Let’s Go Away from Here (Where the cross is made)
W. A. Mozart: Ruhe sanft (Zaide)
Alban Berg: Nacht (Sieben frühe Lieder)
4 Lada Bockova, 27
Tan Dun Tea: Arie der Prinzessin
W. A. Mozart: Ach, ich fühl’s! (Pamina, Zauberflöte)
Richard Strauss: Die Wasserrose
5 Shiki Inoue, 29
George Ligeti: Arie des Gepopo (Le Grand Macabre)
W.A. Mozart: Der Hölle Rache (Königin der Nacht, Zauberflöte)
Joseph Haydn: Nun beut die Flur das frische Grün (Die Schöpfung)
6 Andromahi Raptis, 27
J. Dvorak: Mein lieber Viktor (Frankenstein)
Franz Schubert: Suleika I (Op. 14, Nr. 1, D720)
J.S. Bach: Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben (Matthäuspassion)
7 Sanna Matinniemi, 29
Johanna Doderer: Arie der Agaue (Strom)
W.A. Mozart: Si promette facilmente (La Finta Giardiniera)
Benjamin Britten: Tell me the truth about love
9 Pete Thanapat, 24
J.S. Staud: Die Verfluchungsarie (Die Weiden)
W.A. Mozart: Rivolgete a lui lo sguardo (Guglielmo, Così fan tutte)
Richard Wagner: Wie Todesahnung… Oh du mein holder Abendstern (Tannhäuser)
Mittagspause 13:15 Uhr - 14:00 Uhr
14:00 Uhr
11 Olivia Boen, 24
Nancy Van de Vate: Oh, Nat, Please Let’s Go Away from Here (Where the cross is made)
Franz Schubert: Dass sie hier gewesen
Johannes Brahms: Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit (Ein Deutsches Requiem)
17 Manon Blanc-Delsalle, 29
J. Adams: Am I in your light? (Arie der Kitty, Doctor Atomic)
W.A. Mozart: Non so più cosa son, cosa faccio (Arie des Cherubino, Le nozze di Figaro)
Franz Schubert: Gretchen am Spinnrade 
20 Anna Nekhames, 23
Nancy Van de Vate: Oh, Nat, Please Let’s Go Away from Here (Where the cross is made)
W.A. Mozart: Der Hölle Rache (Königin der Nacht, Zauberflöte)
C. Debussy: Pierrot (Th. De Banville)
22 Mirela Aleksandrova, 25
Kiril Lambov: Welcome to our humble city (Arie der Euterpe, The Baron of Arquennes)
W.A. Mozart: Ah, ich fühl’s! (Pamina, Zauberflöte)
Franz Schubert: An den Mond 
15:00 Uhr
23 Josip Bainac, 28
Peter Eötvös: Wir zerschlagen die Spiegel (Paradise Reloaded)
W.A. Mozart: Laudamus Te (c-Moll Messe, KV 427)
Erich Wolfgang Korngold: Desdemona’s Song (4 Lieder nach W. Shakespeare, Op. 31)




The participants can choose the order of their songs. 

A cooperation between the Hildegard Zadek Foundation with the MDW – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna


Required competition repertoire >>


Age limit

Male and female singers born after 1989 (born after January 1st, 1989)


Registration deadline: April 1, 2019

You'll receive a confirmation of participation and detailed information by April 7, 2019


Protection of honor:

Dr. Thomas Angyan (Director of the Society of Music Lovers in Vienna)



Dr. Thomas Dänemark (General Secretary of the Friends of Vienna State Opera)



Prof. Thomas QUASTHOFF (Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler, Berlin Academy of Music)

Mag. Angelika MÖSER (Schönberg Center Wien)

Dr. Birgit MEYER (Director Opera Cologne)

Walter KOBERA (Neue Oper Wien)

Mag. Evamaria WIESER (Young Singers Project, Salzburg Festival)

Thomas MITTERMAYER (Musikverein Wien)

Prof. Michaela DICKGIESSER (Member of the Music Committee of the Kulturkreis der Dt. Wirtschaft Berlin)

Helga MACHREICH-UNTERZAUCHER (Machreich Artists Management Inc.)

Prof. KS Birgid Steinberger (MDW and MUK Vienna)



Finalists Concert: Saturday, April 27th, 2019 18:00

Live stream from the Gläserner Saal of the Vienna Musikverein



Hildegard Zadek Foundation

Executive Board: Prof. Maria Venuti

Member of the Board & Legal Advisor: Karlheinz Kirch

Member of the Board & Coordinator: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gertraud Berka-Schmid

KS Prof. Dr. h.c. Hilde Zadek, Honorary Chairwoman of the Jury

KS Dr. h.c. Christa Ludwig, Honorary President of the HZ Competition


mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

represented by:

Rector Mag. Ulrike Sych


MUK Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna
represented by:
Rector Dr. Andreas Mailath-Pokorny


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gertraud Berka-Schmid




Organization & Information:

Mag. Gabriele Korn

Kohlesgasse 32

1140 Vienna

Tel.: +43 664 230 20 93

E-Mail: zadek-competition@mdw.ac.at

Contact & application form >>


Organizational assistance during the competition

Marie-Therese Milotta-Berka & Eva Unterhofer



Artistic and organizational lead: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gertraud Berka-Schmid

Partners: mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

Hildegard Zadek Foundation Karlsruhe,

Board Chair: Prof. Maria Venuti

Team manager: Gabriele Korn