1. Prize: € 7.000.-
Sponsers Prize: € 1.500.-
Special Prize Lions Club: € 1.500.-
Bosporus- Preis des Österreichischen Kulturforums Instanbul:
Concert in Istanbul
ILEANA MATEESCU, Age: 25, Mezzosopran
E-Mail: mateescu_ileana@yahoo.com
Born in Romania, living in Germany
Erasmus scolarship at the Mozarteum University Salzburg 2006/7
Brusary from the University Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz
Member of the Junges Ensemble at Staatstheater Mainz 2010/11
Study Grant from Richard-Wagner-Verbandes Wiesbaden 2010
2. Prize: € 3.500.-
EUNGKWANG LEE, Age: 29, Bariton
Mail: eungkwanglee@gmail.com
Born in Korea,living in Riehen/Switzerland
Studied singing at the Seoul National University in Korea 2000-2006
Studied singing at the Hanns-Eisler Hochschule für Musik in Berlin (Annelise Fried) 2006-2011
Theater Basel-Opernstudio 2008/9
Member of the Ensemble of the Theater Basel
1. Prize Int. Ernst Häfliger Singing Competition, Switzerland, 2010
1. Prize and 3 Special Prizes: Int. Riccardo Zandonai Competition, Italy, 2008
1. Prize Int. Alexander Girardi Competition Germany, 2006
3. Prize: € 2.000.-
E-Mail: zachariahnjoroge@gmail.com
Born in Kenya, living in Israel
Studies singing at the Buchmann Mehta School of Music with Prof. Tamara Rachum in Israel
Performances under Zubin Mehta, with the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra and the Haifa Symphony Orchestra
3. Prize and Special Prize Schönberg Center: Concert
CHRISTINA BOCK, Age: 24, Mezzosopran
www.christinabock.de, E-Mail: christinabock1986@web.de oder mail@christinabock.de
Bornn in Ilmenau/Thüringen
Studies at the University of Music Leipzig and Karlsruhe (u.a. Hartmut Höll)
Regular guest appearances at the Theater Gera Altenburg
Prize winner at the Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg 2009
and the int. Oper-Oder-Spree Festival 2011
Special Prize for Modern Music from Schönberg to Rihm: € 1.500.-
Mail: johanna.greulich@googlemail.com
Eliminated during 2nd round
Born in Hannover,
Studies singing at the University in Frankfurt und Basel (Opera and Contemporary Music)
1. Prize at the Lenzewski-Competition in Frankfurt 2008
DAAD-Bursary 2010/11
Performed the Sopran role in the Opera „Nacht“ from GF Haas at the Luzern Festival 2011
Special Prize Schönberg Center: Concert
& Special Prize private Master class with KS Hilde Zadek
MELANIE HENLEY HEIN, Age: 30, Jugendlich-dramatischer Sopran
E-Mail: melaniehenleyheyn@gmail.com
Eliminated during 2nd round
Born in the USA, living in Vienna
Studied singing in New York and Los Angeles 1993-2006
Studies singing at the Konservatorium Wien Privatuniversität Wien under Uta Schwabe, since 2007
Finalist at the Int. Competition „Schubert und die Moderne“ in Graz, 2009
Performances at the USC Opera
Specila Prize Schönberg Center: Concert
E-Mail: maciejowskikornel@gmail.com
Eliminated during the 2nd round
Born in Poland,
Studies singing at the Music Academy in Posen since 2008
1. Place at the Hanna Slonimska Singing Competition in Poland
Wojciech Drabowicz- Grant (Lions Club)2009
Special Prize at the IX. Competition of the polnischen Kunstliedes, 2010